Selecting an EB-5 Project

Prevail Capital serves as placement agent for EB-5 projects under the EB-5 Visa Program

EB-5 Private Placement Risk Disclosures

Our Process

Our process starts by understanding your investment profile, risk tolerance and investment objectives. Most EB-5 securities are private placements made under Regulation D or S of the Securities Act of 1933. Our representative will evaluate if your profile makes you a good candidate for an EB-5 investment.
Our firm evaluates potential projects to determine their overall suitability for EB-5 investors.
Investors can be assured that securities have been researched with respect to your immigration and financial goals.

Why Use Prevail Capital

We Are Regulated
Prevail Capital has a duty—enforceable under federal securities laws and FINRA rules—to conduct a reasonable investigation of securities that it recommends. Unregulated companies are not subject to Government scrutiny.
We are compensated by an Issuer for our Services
Prevail is compensated indirectly by Investors from the administrative or similar fee paid by an Investor to the Issuer. Compensation to Prevail will be fully disclosed.
Full Disclosure
U.S. securities laws are based on a policy of "disclosure". Anyone who buys or sells a security must disclose all material information known. This policy is intended to assure that investors receive full and fair disclosure for informed investment decisions.

Project Criteria

We perform detailed analysis of potentially suitable EB-5 private placements to examine the Business, Financial and Immigration prospects of the offerings. The items below provide an overview of key areas to be examined.

Review Issuers offering memorandum, Perform Due Diligence as applicable on Issuers Disclosures and Conflicts, Partnership Agreement, Management industry experience, Background Checks, Ownership of assets, Corporate and Capital Structure, Project Permitting, Legal Entity Verification, Business Feasibility, Offering is consistent with USCIS EB-5 regulations.
Overview of Economist report to include: that 10 or more jobs would be created or preserved attributable to each investor, job cushion, data inputs, project timeline, Targeted Employment Area (TEA) letter, Regional Center designation, geographical area, authorized project classification.
Review as applicable Issuers Financial Projections and Source of Data, Project Funding, % of EB-5 Funds and Developer Funds, Use of Project Capital, Construction Timetable, Senior Debt Obligations, EB-5 Loan, Collateral, Related Documents, Investor Escrow Arrangements, Feasibility Studies, Vendor Relationships, Exit Strategies

Prevail Capital serves as a placement agent for EB-5 projects under the EB-5 Visa Program

EB-5 Private Placement Risk Disclosures
compass navigating through forest

Our Advantage

Prevail’s team of registered representatives have a combined 23 years experience in the EB-5 industry.