Review Issuers offering memorandum, Perform Due Diligence as applicable on Issuers Disclosures and Conflicts, Partnership Agreement, Management industry experience, Background Checks, Ownership of assets, Corporate and Capital Structure, Project Permitting, Legal Entity Verification, Business Feasibility, Offering is consistent with USCIS EB-5 regulations.
Overview of Economist report to include: that 10 or more jobs would be created or preserved attributable to each investor, job cushion, data inputs, project timeline, Targeted Employment Area (TEA) letter, Regional Center designation, geographical area, authorized project classification.
Review as applicable Issuers Financial Projections and Source of Data, Project Funding, % of EB-5 Funds and Developer Funds, Use of Project Capital, Construction Timetable, Senior Debt Obligations, EB-5 Loan, Collateral, Related Documents, Investor Escrow Arrangements, Feasibility Studies, Vendor Relationships, Exit Strategies